Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Metrobeach in February

The Nature Trail at Metrobeach runs along this canal.

Here is an unfinished painting of BB. When I get it done, I will repost it--it is part of a larger painting.


Rose said...

That blue sky is so beautiful...seems like a lifetime has passed since I saw one that blue...

I have really been tempted to try painting this winter. Then I tell myself I don't need another I don't.

Lowell said...

Lovely nature trail and it appears to be a great place to take a walk on a nice winter day!

Love your usual. I'll look forward to the larger painting...

Thanks for your kinds comments and good wishes!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much Rose and Jacob!!

Rose, I know what you mean about having too many hobbies. I have too many too--but painting is very satisfying AND I am painting illos for a book for my new grandson!!!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Jacob, there are owls that next right near there, they will soon be nesting! Signs of spring!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

We had a weird thing today--It was snowing really hard--AND the sun was shining (not blue sky though!