Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Up a Tree

INSIDE the Belle Isle Conservatory!


B SQUARED said...

I have a friend who 'relocates' these guys. She has several little ones in her house. They are a lot of fun.

Christina Klas said...

what a cutie! We've got a few babies that live in our tree.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

So much fun to see them. I used to see them more before I came here to Detroit, but I still see them here.

Lowell said...

Wow! Look at those eyes. I don't know about fun. When we lived in Pennsylvania they climbed up a flight of about 25 icy stairs to tear open our garbage cans and distribute our garbage throughout the neighborhood! Plus they bite.

Cute, though!

Marie said...

This is a great photo, Mary. But I had a hard time opening it. I wonder why