Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day and Night (DSO and Elmwood Cemetery)

We were having a snowstorm last night, but we went to the DSO
anyway--a great show, "An American in Paris," Bela Fleck and--old age
and treachery--I've forgotten, but it was good--no pix during the show
though, so this is during intermission at the DSO.

And it snowed all day today, a LOT--we shoiveled a lot--and we braved
the snowy roads and went skiing at Elmwood Cemetery. No one had been
there all day and the security officer came, stood in the snow,
watched us ski and cheered us on as we swooped down the cemetery


goda said...

I Love An American in Paris. Side note people my age just don't watch those older movies anymore

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks, Goda! :-D