We walked first at Metrobeach's Nature Center and then went over to check out the ice fisherman and were greeted by this view from the parking lot. You can click on the image to see it slightly larger, and check out the shanties of the ice-fisherman.
Lovely gold, Mary. And I enjoyed seeing all those fishing huts off in the distance.
Gorgeous photo. What are the shanties? Tents? Sheds?
This is a scene from my Minnesota childhood. But even then I never understood the attraction of sitting for hours in a little hut on the cold ice waiting for these smelly creatures to bite a bait in order to pull them up through a little hole.
The worst part was taking them home and cleaning them.
It's Free Fishing Weekend in Michigan (February 13-14) so get out there in a shanty!
Thank you all! :-D
You mean you don't need a license this weekend, Eric? Too bad it's THIS weekend--valentine's day!
Jacob, I have two things to say about ice fishing--for me, it's most fun in a group--and we sang songs and built a fire on the ice and cleaned and cooked the fish right there/
BB says the men who sit out there all day are hen-picked and go out there to get away from nagging wives--I don't know if that's true.
Most of the shanties here are made of wood, but some are tents or made of plastic or other substances.
According to Pure Michigan no license for Valentine's weekend. I haven't fished since I was a kid but they gave me an update on Facebook.
As for my kitty close-up: I use a Canon G9 and have to deal with it's lack of any accessories. (I do have a couple of filters that require the use of an adapter to attach them to the front of the camera.) When I was younger I learned on a Minolta XG-M with various lenses and things but just don't have the funds right now to get into the DSLR world.
I like BB's theory, it does explain everything!
Eric, I do have an SLR, but it is huge and heavy and I often don't have it with me. If yr ever int he area I'll let you play with it if you want. Like at Belle Isle or somewhere. The sensor spots are a real pain.
VP: LOL! (It should read hen-PECKED.)
Thanks, Rose! :-D YAY!
Beautiful shot. I like Metrobeach, but looks better through your eyes.
Thanks, Tony! :-D
It has its moods and I was lucky, I guess!
Wow, it must be pretty cold there, I hope they will catch a lot of fish.
For all the time and work they pt into it, they rarely seem to catch all that much.
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