We woke up to sudden cold, snow and wind, ten degree (F) and very bitter!
We went to the DIA (Detroit Institute of Arts) to see the Avedon
Fashion Photography Exhibit and the WPA Prints and whatever else we
had time for--and to have a lovely lunch. They did not allow
photography in the exhibit. :-(
The "floral display" was right outside the Avedon exhibit.

And, here is my latest art piece. I may use it for my Christmas card, half of it, that is. You can click here if you would like to see it bigger.
Did you notice I am back to small pictures? They all will get a LITTLE bigger if you click on them. I have used up my maximum number of photos in Picasa that supports the photos in this blog. I deleted a whole blog today, and all its photos, which is why I am late posting. It turned into a huge "ordeal!" I may have to give up blogging! :-(
Stay warm, Spring is coming, sooner or later.
Thanks, B! BB and I are headed down to stay with you for a while and warm up!
Beautiful work, Mary. The "character" in the right part looks like Jesus (I know it is not Jesus :-)))
Thanks so much, Marie! :-D
You are so kind!
Fresh snow and Avedon about fashion, interesting mix...
A juxtaposition by default.
Okay. Re: the weather - Ugh!
Re: the Avedon event - I been known as an ugly mug but never a fashion plate.
Re: your artwork. Stunningly beautiful!
Re: Picassa (sp?) - Why are you using Picassa? Just post your photos directly to your blog! You don't need to go through a third party.
Thanks so much, Jacob! You are TOO KIND! :-D
I do post them to my blog directly--but all pictures you post to your blog go into Picasa web albums and when they are full, you need to purchase more space.
google Picasa Web albums, you will find all your pix there.
I am not a fashion plate either, but I do like good photography!!!
We just saw the Avedon show this morning. Ummm... my son was quite strong in his opinion that he preferred photojournalism. (He is not a fashionista.)I enjoyed trying on the sweet little hats in the shop at the end of the show.
We all enjoyed the WPA show much more, as it has so much more substance.I love that period in art history and literature.
To be totally honest with you, I liked the WPA prints MUCH better myself!!!! (It was my husband who wanted to see Avedon--though I did enjoy aspects of it.)
Hi Mary...I'm confused. I don't have a Picassa account, never use Picassa, never heard anything about Picassa as related to my blogs...
...I Googled Picassa but couldn't find my photos...
It's Picasa, with ONE S
all you blog photos are in it.
Use your regular blog name and password to sign in.
google this: Picas Web Albums
or put this in: http://picasaweb.google.com/home
No! Do NOT give up blogging. Start a new blog with a new gmail account. Then tell us where your new blog is. :)
I love the pattern of the new snow on the roof shingles.
Thanks, Stine! :-D I appreciate your vote of confidence!!!!
I was very surprised to find all my pictures on the Picasa web site, too! I didn't know all our photos were stored online like that. But it's true! There I am!
However, between the two blogs I have only used up a little more than 4% of my space. They are pretty generous, when you think about it.
Don't give up blogging, though! Just put up smaller photos.
I do not have ANY space left at all, can't even post small pix, am changing identities.
Those are awesome photos!
Thanks so much, Goda! WHere are you?
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