I had the good fortune (or the bad fortune, depending on how you look at it), to be at Pier Park at dawn yesterday. These pictures are in reverse chronological order. Lake St. Clair is partly frozen, all along the bays and edges. In the last one, you can see the edge of the ice.
Wow, beautiful. Never been to Detroit, but somehow I don't imagine it like this at all.
Thanks for the info on Picasa - who knew?
Detroit had plenty of ugliness and suffering, too. But yeah, sunrise over Lake St. Clair is still lovely! Thanks.
These are wonderful! I think I like the middle one best, but not sure!
Thank you Rose, and Happy Holidays to you!!!
Looks too cold for me. I'm not sure I would leave the house till May.
It was very cold yesterday, and I wasn't properly dressed because I'd left to drive PB to school, not knowing I was going to end up at Pier Park--Brrr!
Oh boy, these are dramatic pictures! Great job, Mary!
Thanks, Jacob! :-D YAY! Woo hoo!
J'adore cette sobriété Zen ...
Thank you very much! :-D
It is scenery reminding of eternity.
Thank you for showing a wonderful view.
From the Far East.
Thank you Ruma! :-D
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