Everywhere you go around here, houses are standing empty--and where are the families who lived in them? This one is on Rolandale in Detroit. Not a bad neighborhood at all. :-(
Here's another new artwork, as yet unfinished. I'm posting it because I am too busy to finish it right now, may report it when I have time to work on it more.
Confronting the Shadow or The Myth of Unconditional Self-love, by Detroit artist Mary Stebbins Taitt. (Click image to view larger.) This is a digitally altered painting--I "smudge-painted" over a water color.) I am probably not done with it yet, but because I am working on that fellowship application, I have to set it aside.
That's too bad and that happĂȘns everywhere. At least the owners have not died under the ruins of their house, like in Haiti. If I had money I would buy that house. It is the perfect size for me. :-))
Are you going to resume studying, Mary?
I don't like myself very much :-((
And that looks like a beautiful home!
Yes, that is so very sad what has happened in Haiti and we should probably not complain about our troubles here.
Marie, if you bought that house, you'd be close to me!!
Rose, it is a beautiful house!!!
Such a lovely home. It reminds me so much of my grandparents old house in East Pointe. People really take care and have great pride in their homes in that area.
I'd love for someone to take great pride in this house, and feel bad that the owners had to sell.
I would have been more than happy to have a house like this.... (In some ways it looks a bit Danish to me.)
It is a beautiful little house and the people who LEFT IT were probably forced out bay having lost their jobs in the auto industry and having insufficient funds to pay their bills. They probably did not want to leave.
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