We have lots of stations around, and mobile ones as well, but I've never noted one quite like this before--though there may be others I just haven't seen yet.
You know the police stations here in Ontario resemble dentist offices, is that not odd. Here tell me do you want to be TAGGED or were you referring to Aarti's blog review?
Down here they are called 'sub stations.' They are pretty busy at lunchtime.
I think the used to call them that and I think they still have some called that in some spots--I'm not sure what the difference is.
This my first mini-station of Police! We have mobile ones, for events and gatherings but no mini-stations...
I think it is my first one, too! :-D
We have lots of stations around, and mobile ones as well, but I've never noted one quite like this before--though there may be others I just haven't seen yet.
You know the police stations here in Ontario resemble dentist offices, is that not odd.
Here tell me do you want to be TAGGED or were you referring to Aarti's blog review?
I wonder if they give mini-tickets?
I hope if they have mini tickets, there are mini fines to go with them--5 cents?
A mini station for Lilliputians! How cool is that!
I missed seeing the little people. WAHN!
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