Oops--this was on display in a window at the Eastland Mall on Vernier in Detroit. (All the other manikins had their clothes on properly.) (I used to have nightmares like this when I was in high school!)
A City Photoblog about the city of Detroit. All photos, art and writing by Mary Stebbins Taitt unless otherwise noted.
Now how do they hope to sell this outfit? Looks like it's made of folded napkins.
Very funny.
LOL! Tee hee!
It does look like folded napkins.
Very funny. Reminds me of the Paul Simon song, "Slip Sliding Away".
LOL! I can't believe they just LEFT it there like that.
I bet they never expected you to take a photo and THEN post it on your blog. I can relate to the nightmares.
I'm glad I don't have those dreams any more!
You had those nightmares where you had no head and no arms too?
yr a riot, V!
I've dreamed all my teeth fell out.
I dreamed I looked in the mirror and was not only dead but rotting away--but I don't remember dreaming I had no arms, legs or head.
Funni picture. See it this way: your nightmares were somebody's dreams...
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